Friends, I have no idea what day, week or month we’re on in this quarantine anymore. But I do know that just like “normal” life, quarantine has it’s good days and it’s bad days. My hope is that with this blog post, I can help you achieve more of those good days! Here are my top 5 tools for staying sane in quarantine!
These are the recipes I’ve been loving:
Portobello Mushroom Burgers | Stuffed Turkey Peppers | Asparagus and Mushroom Risotto | Chocolate Covered Banana Bites | Salmon Tacos
Stuffed Turkey Peppers Salmon Tacos Asparagus and Mushroom Risotto Portobello Mushroom Burgers with Pesto Mayo
Fun TV Shows
Friends – always, duh
Once Upon a Time – I didn’t think I’d get into it, but you guys…I’m HOOKED! Has anyone else watched this?
Too Hot To Handle – Ok, I caved. There have been SO MANY reality shows on Netflix lately and I watched this one in like 4 days…oops!
New Girl – It has gotten to the point where my brother and I looked up the rules to True American. Has anyone played this?!
The Girl Series – You guys know I’m a Rachel Hollis fan, but did you know she used to write fiction books, too? These were some of her first books and I really enjoyed all of them! They’re light and fun quick reads!
Party Girl | Sweet Girl | Smart Girl
You are a Badass – I was gifted this book years ago but only just now have gotten around to reading it! If you need a little reminder that you ARE pure God-given awesomeness, check out this book. You have the power inside of you to be anyone you want to be. You just need to dig a lil deeper 😉
The School of Essential Ingredients – If you’re a sucker for incredible writing, I definitely recommend this one. Also, it definitely hits ya in the feels. This book is about a group of people who meet while taking a cooking class and learning a lot more about life than about recipes.
The Bride Quartet Series – Well, can you blame me? Nora Roberts has a series ALL about different wedding vendors and the growth of their joint company while simultaneously diving into each of their own love stories, too. Could it be any more perfect?
Vision in White | Bed of Roses | Savor the Moment | Happy Ever After
Everything is Figureoutable – We’re in the trenches right now, guys, and it’s TOUGH. But reading this one by Marie Forleo is a helpful reminder that everything truly is figureoutable. And even though we don’t have all the answers right now, doesn’t mean it’ll always be this way. Things will get better. Promise!
Working Out
Running – Ever since high school, I’ve used running as a way to clear my head and gain new perspective when life gets crazy. And these days, it’s also a great way to get out of my house!! I’ve linked some of my go to running playlists and podcasts in the hopes that they help you, too!
MUSIC: LEVEL UP | Summertime Fine | Country Favorites
PODCASTS: Live Fearlessly Podcast | RISE | The Heart & Hustle Podcast

YouTube Vids – I never used to be big on using YouTube videos to work out, but these times are different! Here are some of my favorite ones!
POPSUGAR FITNESS – 60 Minute Workout | POPSUGAR FITNESS – Hip Hop Tabata | POPSUGAR FITNESS – 30 Minute Cardio | Yoga with Adriene
Walking – Nothing lifts our spirits like a dose of fresh air! I’ve loved taking family walks on the nights that it’s warm enough and strolling through our neighborhood!
Unplugging from Social Media
These days, I try to cut down my time on Instagram and Facebook and even News outlets. There is SO much information buzzing around that it can be super overwhelming. If you’re like me, I tend to use social media as a way to distract myself (when I’m not posting for FDP) and what was a 5 minute work break, quickly turns into a 20 minute rabbit hole where it feels like the country will always be closed! And I don’t need that kind of negativity in my day to day life SO I’ve been intentionally unplugging from social media when I’m not posting for my company. If you need help with this too, try setting a social media timer for 10 minutes during your day! Limiting your time on the ‘gram will help to keep your mind less cluttered and maybe you’ll be able to stay more positive, too!
What tips and tricks have been helping you to stay sane in quarantine? Comment below if these tools are helpful or if you’ve found some of your own!! Can’t wait to hear what we all come up with!
For another dose of love and encouragement, head on over to my last quarantine blog all about Life after COVID-19!
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