How much wedding photography coverage is enough? How many hours should you really book a wedding photographer for?
I get this question all the time from couples. So pull up a seat, friends! Let’s chat through it!
To make it as easy as possible, I’ve broken down my wedding coverage pillars into 3 main categories: Timing, Flexibility, and Story Development.
Every wedding day is different. Every couple is different. And a wedding should not be a one-size fits all, cookie cutter, rinse and repeat kind of deal. Right? Agreed!
That’s why I love taking the time to chat with each of my couples to really dive into what’s important to them and determine the coverage that best fits their unique needs, while still keeping in mind the 3 elements above.
After I ask all the important questions of how you met your best friend, when the sparks started to fly and how he popped the question 😍 I start to get into the details of your day! I make sure to chat through where you’ll both be getting ready, when your ceremony will take place, how long it will be, where your reception will be, as well as the distance between the two, if any, to create a framework for your day! From there, I start to map out the first draft of a timeline so we can all see see each point throughout the day as it’s own celebration.
What I’m referring to here is – cushion time! It’s time that I add into each part of your day just in case! One of my biggest fears is that a bride and groom feel rushed on their wedding day. That is NOT what I want to happen! Like I said, each portion of your day is it’s own unique celebration and should be treated as such!
That’s why I like to pad each segment with a little extra time in the event that hair and makeup is taking longer than projected or there’s traffic driving from one location to the next. This allows for even more flexibility on your wedding day AND gives a few extra moments to you and your fiancé to simply… soak it all in.
Your wedding day is so sacred. It’s a day you’ve been waiting for your whole life. It’s a single day that signifies a new beginning; the start of your lifelong marriage. It’s the commencement of a legacy and the creation of your family as Husband and Wife. My heart is literally fluttering just thinking about how beautiful that is. It’s not my job to tell your story, but it is my goal to help you relive all the overwhelming love and joy each time you look back on your wedding photos.
When designing your wedding album, I love to take pieces from each part of your day so that it truly tells your story. One day, when you’re snuggled up close with your son or daughter, they can see how the day began and watch as you partied the night away!
I know I haven’t given you a straight answer about how many hours you should book a wedding photographer just yet – but I didn’t want to start off this post in a limiting way. With all of this consider, my wedding packages do typically range from 8-10 hours and they are fully customizable. So that no matter what, you and your soon-to-be hubs are receiving the most out of your special day!
See why I love having two photographers at every wedding here!

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